Roma Jam Session Art Kollektiv website


Archive website for the Roma Jam Session Art Kollektiv. Based on their in 2022 released publication „Morphing the Roma Label“, designed by #ackupper, the website uses the same chapter-structure as the publication to present the collectives’ body of work.

In order to exhibit the often only sporadically and excerpted documented performances, the site uses moving and shape-morphing video-snippets. The chrome-coloured gradients in the background allude to an suggestion of artistic director Mo Diener referring to Roma Futurism in which new possible futures for the minority are being envisioned.

The collaborations-module displays the collectives’ network in a more interconnected and ramified way than a regular list could do.

Coding: MichaƗ Jadach
Font: Alpha, Omni.type


Claiming Folklore: Politiken und Praktiken von Volksmusik im Schweizer Fernsehen


Project-website for «Claiming Folklore: Politiken und Praktiken von Volksmusik im Schweizer Fernsehen (1960er–1990er Jahre)» of the Department of Social Anthropology and Cultural Studies (ISEK) at University of Zurich. The cultural study project researches tradition in modern channels. It asks about attributions and claims of folk culture (folklore) in relation to folk music programs on Swiss television. The focus is on the specific appropriations and evaluations by actors with different connections – the appropriation of folk music. It explores local sound cultures on television from the 1960s to the 1990s in comparison with alternative readings and movements of the same period and looks for new insights into identity political access to and reflections on folk music, its social functions and effects.

Follow-up project from 2020s’ online exhibition Fernsehfolklore, using it’s blue-tone also this time as main colour. At the beginning of the page, snippets of the studied TV-show are shown in an UI that is inspired by TV- and map aesthetics. Dark turquoise is as dark it does get.

Concept with intercom Verlag (Tuggener Christina and Niki Rhyner)
Development: Davide Giorgetta
Map realized by the GIS Hub, DSI Lab University of Zurich
Project team: Alexandra Neukomm, Inken Blum, Sabine Eggmann, Patricia Jäggi, Yvonne Meier, Bernhard Tschofen
Project Partner: SRF Archiv
Funded by the Swiss Nation Science Foundation (SNF)
Font: Alpha by Omni.type


gta Edition & mono / gta verlag & intercomverlag


Two hybrid paperback-series Nadine Wüthrich and me designed in a cooperation between gta-Verlag and @intercomverlag
and the developer Urs Hofer (Rokfor). Together we have worked on an infrastructure for hybrid publication formats that aims to think website (open access) and printed book together – technically and creatively. The volumes of the two series are published through Urs Hofers’ Rokfor Writer in printed form, as PDFs and in HTML. A generative layout process prioritizes text but also offer space for images, maps, and other appendices.

First entry in the new series gta-Edition by gta-Verlag: Vitruvius Without Text: The Biography of a Book by André Tavares. Open access-versions on

First entry in the new series mono by intercomverlag: Der Ingenieur – Grammatik eines Hoffnungsträgers by Robert Leucht. Open access-versions on


Fernsehfolklore – Volksmusik im Schweizer Fernsehen


Online exhibition of Master-study project 2020 of Institut für Sozialanthropologie und Empirische Kulturwissenschaft (ISEK) – Populäre Kulturen at Universität Zürich in cooperation with SRF Archiv.

Programme by Bernhard Tschofen, Johannes Müske, Sabine Eggmann
With Nadine Wüthrich and intercomverlag (Niki Rhyner, Zohra Briki, Nils Güttler)
Coding Davide Giorgetta

Gottfried Semper: Der Stil. Digitale Edition


Digital edition for ETH Zürich, Department of  Architecture, done in collaboration with Nadine Wüthrich.

Project manager: Philip Ursprung (ETH), Sonja Hildebrand (USI)
Scientific assistants: Michael Gnehm (USI / ETH), Elena Chestnova (USI), Felix Christen (USI), Raphael Germann (USI), Dieter Weidmann (USI)
Development: Scientific IT Services (SIS), ETH Zurich – Swen Vermeul, Antti Luomi
Typeface: Lector by Forgotten Shapes

Work in progress, 2019-2023. Alternative access to the source material on


Alternative access to the source material utilized on cache via, enabling a more serendipitous exploration. By clicking on every respective element, readers are taken to its’ corresponding chapter.

Realised in a cooperation between @intercomverlag and @visualcommunication_zhdk.
Coding: Janis Perren
Design w. @loraine.olalia

Info is a publication series and tool for research groups. It enables them to work together on a topic, to arrange source material associatively and to layout generatively in various formats. The resulting series is a mixture of a collective essay and material collection.

Basic idea of ​​the design was to automate repetitive activities in the design process and to provide the researchers with an easy-to-use tool. Therefore the projects’ backend generates various HTML- and PDF-versions based on XML data. The script-based approach was consciously exhibited in the layout-design – and contrarily to the series name, not being hidden. Explanatory texts are printed in full column width.

Realised in a cooperation between Chair for Wissenschaftsforschung, ETH Zurich and the Department for Visual Communication, ZHdK.
In collaboration with Loraine Olalia.
Mentoring: Prof. Sarah Owens
Assistance: Victoria Knabe
Coding: Janis Perren
cache Mono: @atelieramb
Gerstner-Programm: Forgotten Shapes 


Æther No°01 Publication & Website


Hybrid platform for the simplified publication of essays written at the D-GESS Department of ETH Zurich. The project resulted in a website that publishes the monothematic issues in the form of articles on a website, downloadable pdfs and as a generatively layouted publication. Particular attention was paid to the tooling character, the design is based on a predefined system, the realization is managed by the backend. Further information:

In collaboration with: Loraine Olalia, Nadine Wüthrich
Mentoring ZHdK: Sarah Owens, Jonas Vögeli, Patrik Ferrarelli
D-GESS ETH: Nils Güttler, Max Stalder, Niki Rhyner
Coding: Daniel Stutz
Publisher: intercomverlag



Webdesign-concept for the reopening of Therme Vals. Realised as a freelance graphic designer, for Raffinerie AG with Reto Ehrbar and Enea Toldo.
Creative direction by Frank Baumann, photography by Gianni Pisano, coding by Square.